Monday, April 23, 2012

Resources, support groups & other helpful stuff

Boy I am learning, I hope.  Here is a better list and you can just click on the link to go to the site.  Amazing the things we can do when we take the time to read.

Here is a list of some places and groups for support.  It is no where near complete, I have not checked all of them out  thoroughly.  Please if you  have any more current information  I have nothing to do with writing this list, just reading it.  If you suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities or severe breathing problems or asthma it is a good place to start.  If you find any good information that isn't on the list, feel free to add it or send it to me.  The more information we have the better off we can be. This information is provided for informational and research purposes only:

***Under Support Groups/Foundation is a link to the CDC's fragrance free policy - if they have it then it should be easier to bring into other agencies.

         *techniques to aide in recovery from the Planet Thrive Blog
         *Get A Whiff Of This, by Connie Pitts.   Get a Whiff of This  is a very informative book, revealing secrets the fragrance industries do not want you to know.
         *list of resources for things like housing, art supplies and other stuff for sufferers of MCS
          * This site is for those who suffer severely and may need access to mask or special filters etc for their home, car or personal self.  A good site for info and tools.

Support Groups/Foundations:
          *site with an online support group and other info for those of us with MCS and other disorders.
           * good info - also a link to the CDC fragrance free policy. Here is the link:

        * I actually used their free and clear products for the first time. Usually my husband has to do all the chemical cleaning of the house and I have to leave for 4-5 hours.  I washed the floor and cleaned the bathroom with their free and clear all purpose cleaner and I didn't have an asthma attack or anything.
        *interesting info with a list of products at the bottom and other info for those with airborne allergies/asthma

 Other info:
         *some info not complete
          *I have not taken this questionnaire yet but will let you know what I think when I do.

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